
A Look at the Evidence.

Back to work and breastfeeding, on maternity leave and breastfeeding, or about to give birth and considering breastfeeding, you might be interested to continue reading.

As a chiropractor and breastfeeding coach, I frequently see mothers struggling with breastfeeding challenges. Latch difficulties, pain, and discomfort can be incredibly frustrating and can disrupt this important bonding experience.

While proper positioning and technique are crucial, recent research suggests that chiropractic care may also play a supportive role. Studies have shown that chiropractic adjustments can improve spinal alignment and function, potentially leading to:

Better positioning: Improved spinal alignment may allow for a more comfortable breastfeeding position for both mother and baby.
Reduced pain: Chiropractic care can address musculoskeletal issues that contribute to breastfeeding pain, such as back pain or neck tension.
Enhanced milk flow: Some studies suggest that chiropractic adjustments may improve nerve function, potentially impacting milk production.

It's important to note that chiropractic care should be seen as a complementary approach alongside proper breastfeeding education and support. If you're experiencing breastfeeding difficulties, book in for a breastfeeding consult.

What I have found over the 20+ years of my career in chiropractic is that chiropractic care for both baby and mum can be a valuable addition to your breastfeeding journey, helping to address any underlying physical issues that may be hindering success. Do you have questions about chiropractic care and breastfeeding? Feel free to comment below or send me a direct message!